Telephone Answering Service from NuFone


Agent Answering: NuFone Answering Service’s agent answering service provides you with professional representation using a combination of highly-trained telephone agents and state-of-the-art telephony integration software.

Medical Answering Service: Our live answering service offers individualized plans designed to streamline a pathway of communications between you, your patients, and the facilities you represent.

Answering Service for Small Business: This service offers the appearance of personalized office staff without the expense of having an office or a staff. Our answering service agents will answer your phone and either transfer or connect your calls to the appropriate personnel while providing you with written routing documentation.

Voicemail Services: NuFone’s voicemail solutions offer cost-effective answering services for those companies who do not always require a human interface. Our voicemail platform offers numerous messaging, faxing and message notification processes that can be customized to fit all client needs.

Remind-A-Call: With our corporate call center support, we have developed a teleservice software designed to assist the busy medical practice.

Commercial Dispatch: NuFone Answering Serivce has developed a process for expediting dispatch messages. Utilizing a combination of automated call routing and agent answering services, NuFone is able to document, then dispatch your calls promptly and accurately in the most cost-effective manner.

Disaster Back-Up Service: NuFone Answering Service offers a central telecommunication safe harbor for companies who may be required to maintain 24/7 up time.

Order Entry/eCommerce Services: NuFone offers agent-driven, web-based order entry and eCommerce solutions to fit all types of business and services. Our state-of-the-art telephony equipment can easily integrate to any customer database or website allowing real-time order processing and customer services support staffing.

Ad Response: Our ad response services are designed to capture sales leads, obtain data requirements and track advertisement responses. By utilizing our message identification programs, we are able to uniquely capture caller identification.

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